Ecco la lista completa delle carte del gioco Clash Royale per Android e iOS. Elenco di tutte le carte comuni, rara, epica e leggendaria presenti nel gioco.

Clash Royale: Tutte le Carte del gioco

Clash Royale è il nuovo gioco di strategia in stile “Battaglie con le carte“: ottieni nuove carte epiche ed affronta i guerrieri nell’arena! Difendi il tuo regno grazie alle fantastiche carte collezionabili durante il gioco.

Le battaglie consistono in duelli real time della durata di 3 minuti. Abbiamo a nostra disposizione un totale di 64 carte con le quali costruire un deck di 8 carte.

Le carte in Clash Royale si dividono in 4 livelli di rarità: comuni, rareepiche e leggendarie. 

Ogni carta di Clash Royale appartiene a una delle 3 categorie a disposizione: Truppa, Incantesimo, Edificio.

Tali carte possono essere sbloccate in base al proprio livello di arena, il tempo passato sul gioco, al numero di potenziamenti od alla quantità di attacchi eseguiti.

Ecco un elenco completo di tutte le carte presenti nel gioco Clash Royale con la spiegazione e le caratteristiche di ogni carta.

– Lista Carte del gioco Clash Royale –


Clash Royale: Elenco Carte Truppa


Rarità: Comune
HP: 600
Damage per Second: 68
Damage: 75
Hit Speed: 1.1
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“A tough melee fighter. The Barbarian’s handsome, cultured cousin. Rumour has it that he was knighted based on the sheer awesomeness of his moustache alone”.


Rarità: Comune
HP: 125
Damage per Second: 33
Damage: 40
Hit Speed: 1.2
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 5.5
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 2

“A pair of unarmored ranged attackers. They’ll help you with ground and air unit attacks, but you’re on your own with colouring your hair”.


Rarità: Comune
HP: 150
Damage per Second: 52
Damage: 100 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.9
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Small, lightly protected skeleton that throws bombs. Deals area damage that can wipe out a swarm of enemies”


Rarità: Rara
HP: 2000
Damage per Second: 80
Damage: 120
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Buildings
Speed: Slow
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Slow but durable, only attacks buildings. A real one-man wrecking crew!”


Musketeer Rarità: Rara
HP: 340
Damage per Second: 90
Damage: 100
Hit Speed: 1.1
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 6.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Don’t be fooled by her delicately coiffed hair, the Musketeer is a mean shot with her trusty boomstick”


Cucciolo di Drago
Rarità: Epica
HP: 800
Damage per Second: 55
Damage: 100 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.8
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: 3.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Flying troops that deals area damage. Baby dragons hatch cute, hungry, and ready for a barbecue”


Mini P.E.K.K.A
Rarità: Rara
HP: 600
Damage per Second: 180
Damage: 325
Hit Speed: 1.8
Targets: Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“The arena is a certified butterfly-free zone. No distractions for P.E.K.K.A, only destruction”


Rarità: Epica
HP: 500
Damage per Second: 51
Damage: 36 (Area)
Hit Speed: 0.7
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 5.5
Deploy Time: 1 second
Skeleton Spawn Level: 6
Spawn Speed: 7.5

“Summons skeletons, shoots destructo beams, has glowing pink eyes that unfortunately don’t shoot lasers”


Orda di Scheletri
Rarità: Epica
HP: 30
Damage per Second: 30
Damage: 30
Hit Speed: 1
Targets: Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 20

“Summons an army of skeletons. Meet Larry and his friends Harry, Gerry, Terry, Mary, etc”


Rarità: Epica
HP: 1100
Damage per Second: 146
Damage: 220
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 2.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Don’t let the little pony fool you. Once the Prince gets a running start, you WILL be trampled. Does 2x damage once he gets charging”.


Rarità: Comune
HP: 80
Damage per Second: 45
Damage: 50
Hit Speed: 1.1
Targets: Ground
Speed: Very Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 3

“Three fast, unarmored melee attackers. Small, fast, green and mean!”


Goblins Lancieri
Rarità: Comune
HP: 52
Damage per Second: 18
Damage: 24
Hit Speed: 1.3
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Very Fast
Range: 5.5
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 3

“Three unarmored ranged attackers. Who the heck taught these guys to throw spears!?! Who though that was a good idea?!”


Rarità: Rara
HP: 800
Damage per Second: 68
Damage: 110 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Tough melee fighter, deals area damage around her. Swarm or horde, no problem! She can take them all out with a few spins”.


Rarità: Comune
HP: 90
Damage per Second: 40
Damage: 40
Hit Speed: 1
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: 2.5
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 3

“Three fast, unarmed flying attackers. Roses are red, minions are blue, they can fly, and will crush you”


Rarità: Comune
HP: 30
Damage per Second: 30
Damage: 30
Hit Speed: 1
Targets: Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 4

“Four fast, very weak melee fighters. Swarm your enemies with this pile of bones”


Rarità: Epica
HP: 1000
Damage per Second: 200
Damage: 600
Hit Speed: 3
Targets: Buildings
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“As pretty as they are, you won’t want a parade of THESE balloons showing up on the horizon. Drops powerful bombs and when shot down, crashes dealing area damage”


PEKKA Rarità: Epic
HP: 2610
Damage per Second: 250
Damage: 450
Hit Speed: 1.8
Targets: Ground
Speed: Slow
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 3 seconds

“A heavily armoured, slow melee fighter. Swings rom the hip but packs a huge punch”


Rarità: Comune
HP: 300
Damage per Second: 50
Damage: 75
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 4

“A horde of melee attackers with mean moustaches and even meaner tempers”


Scheletro Gigante
Rarità: Epica
HP: 200
Damage per Second: 66
Damage: 100
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“The bigger the skeleton, the bigger the bomb. Caries a bomb that blows up when the Giant Skeleton dies”.


Orda di Minion
Rarità: Comune
HP: 90
Damage per Second: 40
Damage: 40
Hit Speed: 1
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: 2.5
Deploy Time: 1 second
Count: 6

“Six fast, unarmored flying attacks. Three’s a crowd, six is a horde!”


Domatore di Cinghiali
Rarità: Rara
HP: 800
Damage per Second: 106
Damage: 160
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Buildings
Speed: Very Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Fast melee troop that targets buildings and can jump over the river. He followed the echoing call of “Hog Riderrrr” all the way through the arena doors”.


Rarità: Rara
HP: 340
Damage per Second: 77
Damage: 130 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.7
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 5.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“The most awesome man to ever set foot in the arena, the Wizard will blow you away with his handsomeness… and/or fireballs”.


Golem Rarità: Epica
HP: 3000
Damage per Second: 74
Damage: 186
Death Damage: 186
Hit Speed: 2.5
Targets: Buildings
Speed: Slow
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 3 seconds

“Slow but durable, only attacks buildings. When destroyed, explosively splits into two Golemites and deals area damage!”


Royal Giant
Royal Giant Rarità: Comune
Damage per Second: TBA
Damage: TBA
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Buildings
Speed: Slow
Range: 6
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Sighting his massive cannon at enemy buildings, the Royal Giant comes in like a wrecking ball”.


Tre Moschettieri
Musketeers Rarità: Rara
HP: 340
Damage per Second: 90
Damage: 100
Hit Speed: 1.1
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 6.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Trio of powerful, independent markswomen, fighting for justice and honor. Disrespecting them would not be just a mistake, it would be a cardinal sin!”


Principe Nero
Dark Prince Rarità: Epica
HP: 700
Shield hit points: 200
Damage per second: 83
Damage: 125 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Dealing area damage with each swing and double after charging, the Dark Prince is a formidable fighter. To harm his squishy core, break his shield first”.


Stregone di ghiaccio
Ice Wizard Rarità: Leggendaria
HP: 700
Damage per Second: 40
Damage: 60 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.2
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 6
Deploy Time: 1 second

“This chill caster hails from the far North. He shoots ice shards at enemies, slowing down their movement and attack speed”.


Princess Rarità: Leggendaria
HP: 240
Damage per Second: 50
Damage: 150 (Area)
Hit Speed: 3
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Medium
Range: 9.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Shoots a volley of flaming arrows halfway across the Arena. The Princess is afraid of germs, so keep the rabble away from her!”


Goblin Cerbottaniere
goblin-cerbottaniere-clash-royale Rarità: Rara
HP: 123
Damage per Second: 75
Damage: 53 
Hit Speed: 0,7
Targets: Air & Terra
Speed: Molto veloce
Range: 6.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Corre veloce, spara lontano e mastica gomma. Come fa a soffiare pallette mentre mastica gomme? Anni di lezioni di didgeridoo.”


Mega Sgherro
clash-royale-mega-sgherro Rarità: Rara
HP: 395
Damage per Second: 109
Damage: 153 
Hit Speed: 1,3 sec
Targets: Air & Terra
Speed: medio
Range: 2
Deploy Time: 1 second


Barbari Scelti
barbari-scelti-clash-royale Rarità: Comune
HP: 420
Damage per Second: 73
Damage: 110
Hit Speed: 1,5 sec
Targets: Terra
Speed: Molto veloce
Range: Mischia
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Genera un paio di barbari potenziati. Simili ai comuni barbari, sono soltanto più tosti, efficaci, veloci e forti.“


Golem di Ghiaccio
golem-di-ghiaccio-clash-royale Rarità: Raro
HP: 625
Damage per Second: 16
Damage: 40
Hit Speed: 2,5 sec
Targets: Edifici
Speed: Lento
Range: Mischia
Deploy Time: 1 second

“E’ tenace, bersaglia edifici ed esplode una volta distrutto, rallentando i nemici nelle vicinanze. Indossa un elegante collare di carbone abbinato a naso e artigli.“


Spirito del Ghiaccio
clash-royale-spirito-del-ghiaccio Rarity: Common
HP: 90
Damage: 50 (Area)
Targets: Air & Ground
Speed: Very Fast
Hit Speed: 1.2
Range: 2.5
Freeze Duration: 2 seconds

“Spawns one lively little Ice Spirit to freeze a group of enemies. Stay frosty”.


Spiriti di Fuoco
clash-royale-spiriti-di-fuoco Rarity: Common
HP: 43
Damage: 80 (Area)
Targets: Aria e Terra
Speed: Very Fast
Count: 3
Range: 2
Deploy Time: 1 second
“These three Fire Spirits are on a kamikaze mission to give you a warm hug. It’d be adorable if they weren’t on fire”.


clash-royale-bocciatore Rarity: Epic
HP: 1300
Damage per second: 80
Damage: 200 (Area)
Speed: Slow
Hit Speed: 2.5
Targets: Ground
Range: 5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“This big dude digs the simple things in life – Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders bounce off their target, landing behind for a double strike!”


lumberjack-clah-royale Rarity: Legendary
HP: 900
Damage per second: 260
Damage: 260
Hit Speed: 1.1
Targets: Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: Melee
Rage Effect: +40%
Deploy Time: 1 second

“He chops trees by day and hunts The Log by night. His bottle of Rage spills everywhere when he dies”.


clash-royale-sparky Rarity: Legendary
HP: 1200
Damage per Second: 260
Damage: 1,300 (Area)
Hit Speed: 5
Targets: Ground
Speed: Slow
Range: 4.5
Deploy Time: 1 second

“Sparky has a heavy-handed approach to life: Obliterate everything in sight”.


clash-royale-miner Rarity: Legendary
HP: 1,060
Damage per Second: 133
Damage: 160
Crown Tower Damage: 64
Hit Speed: 1.2
Targets: Ground
Speed: Fast
Range: Melee
Deploy Time: 1 second

“The Miner can burrow his way underground and appear anywhere in the arena. It’s not magic, it’s a shovel”.


Clash Royale: Elenco Carte Incantesimo


Rarità: Comune
Damage: 115 (Area)
Crown Tower Damage: 46
Radius: 4

“Arrows pepper a large area, damaging everyone hit. Reduced damage to Crown Towers.”


Sfera Infuocata
Fireball Rarità: Rara
Damage: 325 (Area)
Crown Tower Damage: 130
Radius: 2.5

“Annnnnd… Fireball. Incinerates a small area, dealing high damage. Reduced damage to Crown Towers”.


Barile Goblin
Rarità: Epica
Damage: 50 (Area)
Crown Tower Damage: 20
Radius: 1.5
Goblin Spawn Level: 6
Goblin Spawn Count: 3

“Spawns three Goblins anywhere on the Arena. It’s going to be a thrilling ride, boys!”


Rarità: Epica
Damage: 650
Crown Tower Damage: 260
Radius: 3.5
Duration: 1.5 seconds

“Bolts of lightning hit up to 3 enemy troops or buildings with the most hit points in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers”.


Rarità: Rara
Damage: 700 (Area)
Crown Tower Damage: 280
Radius: 2

“Deals high damage to a small area. Looks really awesome doing it. Reduced damage to Crown Towers”.


Rarità: Epica
Radius: 5
Duration: 10 seconds

“Increases troop movement and attack speed by 35%. Troop buildings and summoners deploy troops faster. Chaaarge!”


Zap Rarità: Comune
Damage: 80 (Area)
Crown Tower Damage: 21
Radius: 2.5

“Zaps enemies, briefly stunning them and dealing damage inside a small radius. Redcued damage to Crown Towers”.


Rarità: Epica
Radius: 3
Duration: 5 seconds

“Freezes troops and buildings, making them unable to move or attack. Everybody chill”.


Mirror Rarità: Epica
Mirrored Common Level: 5
Mirrored Rare Level: 3
Mirrored Epic Level: 1

“Mirrors your last card played for +1 Elixir”


Posion Rarità: Epica
Damage per second: 40
Crown tower damage: 16
Duration: 10 seconds
Radius: 3.5

“Covers the target area in a sticky toxin, damaging and slowing down troops and buildings. Remember: solvent abuse can kill!”


The Log
clash-royale-log Rarity: Legendary
Damage: 240
Crown tower damage: 96
Target: Ground
Width: 3.9
Distance: 9.6

“A spilt bottle of Rage turned an innocent tree trunk into ‘The Log’. Now, it seeks revenge by crushing anything in its path!”


clash-royale-tornado Rarity: Epico
Duration: 3 sec
Damage per Second: 44
Target: Troops
Radius: 5.5
Type: Spell

“Drags enemy troops to the center of the Tornado while dealing damage over time. Doesn’t affect buildings.”

Clash Royale: Elenco Carte Edificio


Capanna Goblin
Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 700
Spear Goblin Spawn Level: 3
Spawn Speed: 4.9
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 1 minute
Damage per Second: 55
Damage: 100 (Area)
Hit Speed: 1.8 seconds
Targets: Ground

“Building that spawns Spear Goblins. But don’t look inside. You don’t want to see how they are made”


Bomb Tower
Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 900
Damage: 100 (Area)
Damage per Second: 58
Hit Speed: 1.6
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 1 minute
Range: 6.5

“Defensive building that houses a Bomber. Deals area damage to anything dumb enough to stand near it.”


Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 200
Spawn Level: 3
Spawn Speed: 2.9 seconds
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 40 seconds

“Troop building that periodically deploys skeletons to fight the enemy. When destroyed, spawns 4 skeletons. Creepy!”


Inferno Tower
Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 800
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 40 seconds
Damage per Second: 50-1000
Damage: 20-400
Hit Speed: 0.4 seconds
Targets: Air & Ground
Range: 6.5

“Defensive building, roasts targets for damage that increases over time. Burns through even the biggest and toughest enemies!”


Barbarian Hut
Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 1100
Spawn Level: 3
Spawn Speed: 14 seconds
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 1 minute

“Troop building that periodically deploys Barbarians to fight the enemy. Time to make the Barbarians”


Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 400
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 1 minute
Damage per Second: 91
Damage: 64
Hit Speed: 0.7
Targets: Air & Ground
Range: 6

“Defensive building. Whenever it’s not zapping the enemy, the power of Electrickery is best kept grounded”.


Cannon Rarità: Comune
Hitpoints: 450
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 40 seconds
Damage per Second: 75
Damage: 60
Hit Speed: 0.8
Targets: Ground
Range: 6

“Defensive building. Shoots cannonballs with deadly effect, but cannot target flying troops”.


Rarità: Epica
Hitpoints: 850
Deploy Time: 5 seconds
Lifetime: 40 seconds
Damage per Second: 66
Damage: 20
Hit Speed: 0.3
Targets: Ground
Range: 13

“Nice towers you got there. Would be a shame if this X-Bow whittled it down from this side of the arena…”


Elixir Collector
Elixir Rarità: Rara
Hitpoints: 800
Deploy Time: 1 second
Lifetime: 1 min, 10 sec
Production Speed: 9.8 seconds

“You gotta spend Elixir to make Elixir”


Mortar Rarità: Epica
Hitpoints: 600
Deploy Time: 3 seconds
Lifetime: 30 seconds
Damage per Second: 24
Damage: 120 (Area)
Hit Speed: 5
Targets: Ground
Range: 12

“Defensive building with a long range. Shoots exploding shells that deal area damage. Cannot shoot at targets that get very close!”


Di Alex Reynolds

Giornalista tecnologico e analista di tendenze digitali, Alex Reynolds ha una passione per le tecnologie emergenti, l'intelligenza artificiale e la cybersecurity. Con anni di esperienza nel settore, offre approfondimenti dettagliati e articoli coinvolgenti per appassionati e professionisti della tecnologia.