If you’ve ever wondered, “How long do elixirs last in Baldur’s Gate 3?” your answer is simple: quite a while. Specifically, they persist until you decide to take a long rest. This means players can maximize their adventures and make significant progress using these valuable consumables. In this article, we will explore what a long rest entails, the best times to take one, and highlight the most effective elixirs to keep in your inventory in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Longevity of Elixirs Explained

Similar to potions, the elixirs in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be consumed as a bonus action and offer a range of beneficial effects, tailored to the specific elixir you choose. Given their variety, these elixirs can be crucial during pivotal moments. If you’re seeking clarity on their duration, here’s what you need to know: elixirs remain effective until one of the following situations occurs:

  1. You opt for a long rest, typically done at a camp, which fully restores spell slots, hit points, and other resources while allowing specific item actions or dialogue options.
  2. You consume a different elixir, which overrides the effects of the previous one.
  3. You perform certain actions, such as praying in the Gauntlet of Shar.
  4. You use a specific elixir with temporary effects, like the Elixir of Universal Resistance.

Outside of these scenarios, your elixir remains in effect during your gameplay, be it during short rests, explorations, or battles. They are single-use items, so remember to stock up. Now that we’ve addressed the question, “How long do elixirs last in BG3?” let’s take a look at the best elixirs available and where you can find them.

Top Elixirs in Baldur’s Gate 3

Before diving into which elixirs to prioritize, always check their effects in the inventory description. You can acquire elixirs through:

  • Buying from vendors
  • Looting containers
  • Defeating bosses
  • Crafting
  • Providing your blood to Araj Oblodra for potent, unique elixirs, which vary based on your character’s race.

Top 10 Elixirs to Consider in BG3

1. Elixir of Barkskin: Ideal for spellcasters, this elixir enhances your armor class (AC) to 16 without the need for armor, allowing spellcasters to cast freely without wasting spell slots.

2. Elixir of Hill Giant Strength: This potent elixir boosts your strength level to a staggering 21, providing a significant advantage in combat.

3. Elixir of Bloodlust: This elixir grants an extra action once per turn, along with 5 temporary hit points for each enemy you defeat.

4. Elixir of Battlemage’s Power: Gain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity, which translate to a +1 bonus for both spell attack rolls and spell save DCs.

5. Elixir of Viciousness: This elixir reduces critical hit rolls by one, making it easier to land those powerful strikes.

6. Elixir of the Colossus: Temporarily enlarges your character, adding an additional 1d4 damage to successful attacks along with the advantages of increased size.

7. Elixir of Vigilance: Prevents surprise attacks and provides a +5 bonus to your initiative rolls.

8. Elixir of Arcane Cultivation: Grants an additional spell slot, with various Greater versions available offering higher-level spell capabilities.

9. Elixir of Heroism: This elixir adds 10 temporary hit points and bestows the Bless condition, granting a 1d4 bonus to your saving throws and attack rolls.

10. Elixir of Universal Resistance: A rare find, it lasts for only 10 rounds but stacks with other elixirs instead of replacing them, granting resistance to all damage types, effectively halving incoming harm during crucial encounters.

Armed with the answer to “How long do elixirs last in BG3?”, it’s time to gather those that best suit your class and character preferences. Regardless of how you’ve tailored your character, there’s sure to be an elixir that fits your playstyle perfectly.